Chapter 102: Erosion and Sediment Control

Soil Stability

Sediment, defined as soil particles suspended in water, is the largest water pollutant by volume in Pennsylvania. 

Earthmoving activities during construction can cause sediment to flow into streams, rivers and storm sewers. This is a type of pollution that negatively impacts people, animals and other aquatic life. Sediment also contributes to flooding and can alter stream flow, causing erosion and property loss. 

To keep pollutants away from streams, ACCD has regulatory authority through an agreement with PA Department of Environmental Protection to operate Chapter 102, Pennsylvania’s Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control Program in Allegheny County.  ACCD works with municipalities and the construction industry to ensure required best practices are used to keep soil where it belongs; on the land and out of Pennsylvania’s streams.   

ACCD's Impact


ACCD protects water and soil quality by: 

  • Developing and conducting educational programming about erosion and sedimentation control and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permitting 
  • Receiving, reviewing and processing NPDES permit applications  
  • Inspecting sites that have NPDES permits 
  • Investigating complaints related to earth disturbance activities 

In the past five years, ACCD has approved over 1,100 permits and performed nearly 3,300 site inspections over 110,000 acres to protect Allegheny County’s natural resources.

Inspection Areas

Click on the map below to find inspector.

Get Assistance With Permits

Find help with submitting, uploading and applying for Chapter 102 and Chapter 105 permits
