Timber Harvest

Timber Harvest

Chapter 102 requires written E&S Plans for activities that disturb 5,000 square feet, including timber harvests. These review fees apply to projects proposing earth disturbance associated with timber harvest activities. 

  • Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control Plan 
  • ACCD recommends this template  for Timber Harvest E&S Plans. 

E&S plan review fees for Timber Harvest are based on disturbed acreage. 
Payments made online through MuniciPAY (a secure site for credit card or e-check transactions) are preferred. However a SINGLE paper check, payable to Allegheny County Conservation District, is an option. Please send a check via USPS regular mail and enclose a transmittal or note as to what project the check is for.
All fees are nonrefundable.

Disturbed Acres Fee Expedited Fee
0 - 24.99 acres $400 $1,200
25 - 49.99 acres $1,100 $3,300 
50 - 249.99 acres $1,500 $4,500
250+ acres*


+$25 per additional acre


+$50 per additional acre

*Where total disturbed acreage equals or exceeds 25.0 acres an Erosion and Sediment Control Permit is required. 

Submit an Application

Please use form below to submit E&S plans associated with a Timber Harvest for review.

Submission Instructions: 

  • Flatten drawings before uploading. Do not use a zip folder to upload documents.
  • Upload separate PDF files by document type. Pease do not upload a single long PDF document.
  • ACCD strongly prefers payments made online.

    Checks can be mailed normal USPS once applicants have uploaded permit documents and received permit fees via online form. 

 Click Here to Process Payment

Get Assistance with Permits

Get help submitting, uploading and applying for Chapter 102 and Chapter 105 permits.  
