Get Assistance

How Can ACCD Help?

ACCD provides technical assistance to improve water and soil resources throughout the region. Submit a question about permits, watersheds, agriculture, farmland preservation, grant opportunities and more. 

File a Complaint
File an environmental complaint to ACCD regarding earth disturbance, stream encroachments and agriculture.

Permit Submission Assistance
Get help submitting, uploading and paying for Chapter 102 and Chapter 105 permits.

Farmland Preservation and Farm Assistance
Submit a question about ACCD’s Agriculture and Soils Program, including Farmland Preservation, Livestock Compliance and Regulations and Urban Soils.

Watershed Assistance
Submit a question about ACCD’s Watershed Program. Find a watershed group, get help monitoring water quality and access educational resources.

DGLVR Grant Assistance
The Dirt, Gravel and Low Volume Road Grant Program funds road improvement projects in Allegheny County. Learn more about eligibility, training and other requirements.

Right to Know Requests
When the ACCD receives a request, a tracking number is assigned and ACCD’s Open Records Officer reviews the request and prepares a response. Generally, a response will be issued within five business days of the date the request is received. If additional time is required to prepare the response, ACCD may invoke a thirty calendar-day extension under the Right-to-Know Law.

General Question
Submit a general question to ACCD, and a staff member will be touch. 

Open by appointment only

Don't see what you're looking for? Schedule an appointment by calling 412-241-7645 or contact a team member. 
