Submit Plans

To keep pollution from streams, ACCD has regulatory authority through an agreement with PA Department of Environmental Protection to operate Pennsylvania’s Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control Program in Allegheny County.

ACCD works with municipalities and the construction industry to ensure construction best practices keep soil where it belongs, on land and out of Pennsylvania’s streams. 

Select Permit Type

Chapter 102 

Chapter 102 Erosion Control requires a General NPDES Permit or an Individual NPDES Permit when a person proposes to disturb one or more acres during the duration of an earth disturbance activity.
Chapter 102 requires written E&S Plans for activities that disturb 5,000 square feet. Reviewed and approved E&S plans are required for 105 permitted activities. Many municipalities in Allegheny County require reviewed and approved E&S plans under local ordinances.

Timber Harvest
Chapter 102 requires written E&S Plans for activities that disturb 5,000 square feet, including timber harvests. These review fees apply to projects proposing earth disturbance associated with timber harvest activities.

NPDES Amendment
Major and Minor Amendments are recquired for modifications of an existing permit under certain criteria. 

NPDES Renewal
Issued General or Individual NPDES Permits are valid until December 7, 2024. If more time is necessary to complete the project through stabilization and submission of a Notice of Termination, permittees are required to renew the permit before the permit expires.

Corrective Action Plan
A CAP may be requested for an expired or expiring site where violations exist that need design or planning beyond what was originally designed and submitted for the original permit. Often, the need for CAPs arises for expired or expiring permits where issues arise with post construction stormwater management. 

Chapter 105  

Chapter 105  
Chapter 105 requires persons proposing obstructions or encroachments to streams, their 100-year floodways, wetlands or other bodies of water, to first obtain a written permit.

Other Permit Forms 

Permit Forms  
Submit documents associated with approved permits here, including Notice of Termination, Co-Permittee, Co-Permittee Release, 45-Day PCSM Filing, Permit Transfer and other.

Submission Instructions

Compress permit documents before uploading.

ACCD strongly prefers payments made online.

Checks can be mailed normal USPS once applicants have uploaded permit documents and received permit fees via online form. 


Mobile Communication

Over the course of doing business with Allegheny County Conservation District you may have the opportunity to text directly with staff. This is an opt-in feature, should you express interest in participating in texting you will receive an agreement to receive text messages from ACCD. Should you agree to use this service the following Privacy Policy and Terms of Service will apply.

Privacy Policy:

Mobile information and data, including opt-in, will not be shared with third parties/affiliates for marketing/promotional purposes.

Terms and Service:

By opting in, you agree to receive SMS-based messages regarding discussions about your account and customer service. Message frequency varies. Message and data rates may apply. For help, reply HELP or email us at You can opt out at any time by replying STOP.

Get Assistance with Permits

Get help submitting, uploading and applying for Chapter 102 and Chapter 105 permits.  
