
Soil Lead Screening Drop-Off

Wednesday, October 23, 2024 - Sunday, October 27, 2024
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
The Highline
317 East Carson Street, Suite 119
Pittsburgh, PA 15219

Free Soil Lead Screening

Allegheny County has seen a surge of interest in backyard gardening as well as revitalization of vacant lot space to be used for urban agriculture, community green space, play yard construction and more. Contaminants are common in urban soil, and can be hazardous to health when ingested or inhaled. Soil testing is the first step to reduce your risk of exposure.

Get your soil tested for lead by Allegheny County Conservation District starting October 23, 2024, at drop-off locations around Pittsburgh. 

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ACCD provides technical assistance to improve water and soil resources throughout the region. 

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