

Celebrating the Findlay Township Activity Center Rain Gardens

Celebrating the Findlay Township Activity Center Rain Gardens

ACCD, Findlay Township and Montour Run Watershed Association recently celebrated the completion of the Findlay Township Activity Center Rain Gardens. This project represents a step forward in managing stormwater, enhancing biodiversity and promoting environmental stewardship.

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Restoring Streams: The Journey of Jersey Settlement Farm

Restoring Streams: The Journey of Jersey Settlement Farm

In the heart of Forward Township lies Jersey Settlement Farm, where Mike and Jen Pasini have worked to restore the natural balance of their land. Steeped in history, this farm was once part of "The Jersey Settlement," drawing pioneers from New Jersey in the late 1700s and early 1800s.

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Understanding Vernal Pools

Understanding Vernal Pools

Each year, spring rain and snow melt fill up seasonal or vernal pools. These pools provide a unique habitat for many salamanders, frogs, crustaceans and insects to mate and lay their eggs.

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How Green Infrastructure Promotes Stormwater Infiltration

How Green Infrastructure Promotes Stormwater Infiltration

Stormwater begins as rain. When rain flows off the landscape, it becomes runoff that can negatively impact communities. To prevent this, stormwater needs to be managed, and one option is to infiltrate the water.

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ACCD's Trees Are Five Years Old

ACCD's Trees Are Five Years Old

Trees are powerful. These silent giants are nature's built-in air purifiers, water filters, bird houses and flood controls. Planting a single tree has a lasting impact. Planting entire forests can transform the region.

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Pitt Researchers Partner With ACCD to Study Legacy Impacts in Pittsburgh's Soils

Pitt Researchers Partner With ACCD to Study Legacy Impacts in Pittsburgh's Soils

Researchers at University of Pittsburgh and the Allegheny County Conservation District have linked contamination in Pittsburgh's urban soils to historical emissions and atmospheric inversions.

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How Green Infrastructure is Making a Difference

How Green Infrastructure is Making a Difference

Aging infrastructure and climate change have made stormwater an ongoing issue. However, green infrastructure projects implemented around Allegheny County give the area an opportunity to manage stormwater in a sustainable way.

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